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      HEALTHY AIR TECHNOLOGY LLC总部位于美国印第安纳州,在中国设立第一家分公司康健科技(山东)有限公司,在英国牛津设有研发中心集聚了院士、博士、硕士等研发团队,研发空气净化及防疫消毒系列产品 ,打造全球专业空气净化、防疫消毒产品供应商。立足健康生活产业,全面提升健康,助力健康中国。

      HEALTHY AIR TECHNOLOGY 与牛津大学肖天存博士团队联合开发了一系列具有国际水平的环保高效纳米催化剂。生产多款具有杀菌消毒除醛功能的空气净化器、除醛除味和防疫消毒系列产品。空气净化产品选用高效优质、高比表面积的载体,在高比表面的载体上负载活性组分如纳米级的氧化物组分进行改性,可将有害污染物转化为无害的物质和水,无二次释放风险,长效彻底去除空气中的污染物,包括甲醛、VOC、氨气、臭味、臭氧、细菌、病毒、花粉、H2S、CO、苯、SOX、NOX和PM2.5等,具备优秀的环境净化效果和较强的实用性、适用性。滤网可搭载多用途空调系统,包括:商用中央空调、家用空调、高铁列车空调、豪华游轮空调、博物馆等公共空间和私密空间的专用空调滤网等;除醛系列产品主要应用于新装修的居室、商务、公共办公场所,除味系列产品主要应用于公共卫生间区域、新购置车辆内、公共办公场所内、新购置家具、冰箱、宠物去异味,另外应用于工业脱臭剂和脱汞剂等产品。空气净化产品目前已与英国全民健康体系、英国金融城、法国医疗系统、法国卢浮宫、奇瑞、科玮生物、临港集团等众多国际知名机构对接洽谈并引进使用。防疫消毒系列产品安全可靠,少剂量,高效果;极佳的生物降解性能;适用性强,在低温和高蛋白的脏污环境下,消毒及除菌效果依然优异。产品对人体和环境安全,对皮肤无刺激、高效无毒、清洁润湿、无腐蚀性、易生物降解性、在低温下也具有很好的杀菌效率。防疫消毒系列产品已出口英国、加拿大等国家,已应用于日照市区、五莲县、莒县等医院,客户给予产品高度认可。公司不断创新技术,通过创新产品为客户创造价值,切实为大众生活提供健康的保障,让每一次呼吸都健康。

      Healthy Air Technology LLC is headquartered in Indiana, USA, establishment of the first branch in China, and has a research and development center in Oxford, UK. Based on the healthy life industry, we will create a global professional air purification products and epidemic prevention and disinfection products suppliers.We are committed to providing innovative, safe,and healthy air purification solutions, our air purification solutions cover professional medical, commercial, property, home, industry and other fields.

      HEALTHY AIR TECHNOLOGY has developed a series of environmentally efficient nano catalysts with international leading level in cooperation with Dr. Xiao Tianchun of Oxford University. Produce various kinds of air purifiers with the function of sterilizing ,disinfecting and formaldehyde removing, and a series of products formaldehyde removal, deodorant and epidemic prevention. The purification products are highly efficient, high-quality and high specific surface area carriers. They are loaded with active components such as nano scale oxide components on high surface area carriers, which can transform harmful pollutants into harmless substances and water. There is no risk of secondary release, it has the effect of long term and thorough removal of air pollutant, including formaldehyde, VOC, ammonia, odor, ozone, bacteria, viruses, pollen, H₂S,CO, benzene, SOX, NOX and PM2.5, It has excellent environmental purification effect and strong practicability and applicability.

      The filter screen can be equipped with multi-purpose air conditioning system, It includes: commercial central air conditioning, household air conditioning, high-speed rail train air conditioning, luxury cruise air conditioning, museums and other public and private space special air-conditioning filters, etc. Formaldehyde removal series products are mainly used in newly decorated living rooms,commercial, and public offices. Deodorant series products are mainly used in public toilet area, newly purchased vehicles, public offices, newly purchased furniture, refrigerators and pets. In addition, it can be used in industrial deodorizer and mercury remover. At present, air purification products have been in talks with the British national health system, the British Financial City, the French medical system, the French Le Louvre Museum, Haier, Chery, Cooway, Lingang group and many other international well-known institutions. Epidemic prevention and disinfection products are safe and reliable. It can be used in low dosage to achieve high efficiency. It is biodegradable and has high efficacy for disinfection and sterilization effectiveness even at room temperature and for highly contaminated environments. The product is safe for human contact with no observed irritation to the skin. It is a highly effective disinfecting and sterilizing agent without any observed corrosive effects. Epidemic prevention and disinfection products have been exported to Britain, Canada and other countries. Customers have highly recognized the product. We continue to innovative new technologies, through innovative products to create value for customers, and effectively provide health protection for public life, and make every breath count.